Friday, October 9, 2009

Catching Up: September

Benson 1 Month Old

Benson is such a pleasant little guy! I only have to wake up once at night with him and he goes right back to sleep. A few days into his second month we started getting a few little smiles out of him. I think he has such a goofy smile. It makes me laugh!

Jackson, WY

Some my Dad's side of the family makes a trip up to Jackson, WY every year over Labor day. This year was a very short trip but we did manage to take Jesse horse-back riding. I'm actually surprised at how much he loved it!! Since he was too little to do the actual trails the horse people told me I could put him on a horse and walk him around the pasture as long as I wanted. So you'd think a 2 year old would maybe want to ride 20 minutes or so right? NOT mine. Almost an hour and a half later I was tired and asking Jesse if we could be done. He loved telling his horse "good boy" as he patted his neck and he loved when we got to cross the he ditches which made his ride a little bumpy.

Here's some pics of Jesse and I after Horse-back riding. I love that little hat.

We got to watch the BYU vs OS game while we were there with about 25 of my aunts, uncles, and cousins from my Dad's side. Jesse was a little shocked and frightened when we all started cheering and yelling at the same time but we successfully explained to him that we were happy because of what was going on in the football game. Then he was ok with it. Jesse currently picks up on everything we say and watching the football game with family resulted in Jesse learning some new phrases such as "Are you kidding me Bronco," and Holy Smokes, for which Jesse says "Oh my mokes!"

This is the first picture of all four of us together.

Labor Day
Does this not look like the funnest toy ever??!! Grandpa Baker borrowed this for the grandkids to play on on Labor Day. It might have been a little too big for Jesse to fully appreciate but he still had fun. We had a yummy dutch oven dinner later that evening. It's always good fun and good food at Grandma Baker's.

Here's a clip of Jesse's clumsiness. He manages to fall twice in the same take. That's ourBOY!!!

He's Swimming..... Hooray!!!

About halfway through July Dave was swimming with Jesse and something just clicked. He went from having to hold on to us like life depended on it to wanting to swim all on his own (with floaties). I hadn't gotten any video of our little swimmer until now. So here's our swimmin' boy.

Grandma Stopped By For a Visit

Dave's Mom was kind enough to stop by and return our camera which we left over at their house earlier that week. I thought this was a good picture of Jesse with his Grandma.


Jesse is such a good big brother to Benson....THANK GOODNESS! He loves Benson and is always talking to him in his 2 year old version of a "baby voice" and trying to give him kisses. It usually goes something like "Hi widdo (little) widdo bens. Widdo, widdo, widdo...(kiss)...ha...funny!" Sometimes Jesse will give Bens kisses with food still on his face and as a result Bens has received some pretty sticky, messy kisses. I have to admit it drives me crazy but it does make me smile. Oh and we're all pretty much calling Benson Bens (Bence) now thanks to Jesse. I think Jesse heard me call him Bens once and it stuck in his mind. He's called him Bens ever since and it's been pretty contagious.

FHE up Hope Campground

We had a special FHE up Hope Campground with Dave's parents and his brother Matt and wife Marianne a couple weeks ago. We got to see the gorgeous colors of the changing leaves up there as well as have a fun hot-dog/marshmallow roast.


angie said...

What a cute family! Looks like you don't slow down for anything! Same old Rachel :) I love your posts and seeing what you guys are up to.

Grossarths said...

What fun! Seeing that picture of Jesse on a horse makes me miss Idaho! We had some fun times there.