Friday, June 19, 2009


SWINE FLU????!!!! Are you KIDDING Me!??? Ya, we've all been sick over here at our house. Last week Jesse threw up and had a fever, the next day I started coming down with what I thought was a cold (sinus and chest congestion, soar throat, cough), and then Dave followed with my symptoms plus a fever and aches. I started feeling better after 3 days or so but Dave was pretty miserable still so we decided he should go see the Doctor. Diagnosis......swine flu!! The Doctor told us to stay quarantined in our house for the next 7 days (That was on Monday).

I was pretty much freaking out when Dave told me because I wasn't that educated about it. All I'd heard was that people were dying from it but actually, it affects most people just like a normal flu and they get over it in about a week or less. I'm convinced that it's probably what I had too and it really wasn't that bad for me. Dave got it a lot worse than I did...he's still not feeling well. I'm pretty sure that's what Jesse has too. Luckily Jesse's symptoms haven't made him miserable but he has had a little stomach trouble, a runny nose, fever, and cough on and off for over a week now.

The Doctor gave Dave some masks to wear around us. Jesse wanted to wear one too and I had to get a picture to document our week of swine flu.

I'm going crazy being stuck inside all day with my 2 sick boys, mostly trying to think of ways to entertain Jesse. We can't do our usual of going to the park, or swimming, or playing with friends and family for fear of spreading this on, but I also don't want to plop him in front of movie after movie.

Just a word of caution to everyone....the Doctor's have told us that there's an explosion of swine flu circulating through Utah County right now. Be extra cautious with germs (washing hands frequently, using sanitizer), and if you're starting to feel sick, stay in. We know that it's quickly and easily spread because some of our family members that we were around last week due to 2 weddings are now getting it.


Grossarths said...

I can't believe you guys have....dun, dun, dun.... THE SWINE FLU! :) I'm glad its not killing many people in the US. Hope you get over it soon!

kelsey said...

i was waiting for more of an explanation after dave's facebook status! that is super crazy. i've heard it all over utah right now, i guess i better steer clear of there! i'm glad jesse didn't have it too bad. hope dave feels better soon and you get to leave the house!!!

Bobbi Leavitt said...

At least you were not sick for all of your festivities!

ps-jesse is adorable and congrats with baby#2!

tell dave hi and Rachel, hope you remember me! (bobbi use to be loveless)

Melissa said...

That sounds awful...I hope you all are feeling better now. That's kindof scary. Glad you didn't get it very bad Rachel - especially not fun prego.