Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hee Haws and Halloween

We love Hee Haws!! We went in October for family night and I think that was just the perfect outing for a 2 year old! Jesse absolutely loved doing all the farm themed activities. The tractor ride, hayride, petting zoo, hay jump, pipe slides...just about everything was a hit with Jesse. We were there for a couple hours and still didn't get everything in. Of course my favorite part is that is was cheap too!

This was Jesse's favorite! He loves to jump!

Benson was such a good sport to let us bundle him up and drag him along with us on our outing.

The Baker Family Halloween Party was super fun again this year! I have the best in-laws and Jesse has such fun cousins that he loves to play with. Our family kind of had a theme this year with our costumes. Can you guess what it is?

Our Little Cavemen. Benson is just not feelin' the caveman brotherly love.
Oh, I need to thank my mom for making these cute caveman costumes 20 or so years ago for my brothers because I found them in her costume box and they were just perfect for my little men this year. I guess things can be that simple occasionally.

Jesse with his cousin Talia. These two are only 6 weeks apart. Aren't they super cute!

On Halloween we had fun participating in our ward's trunk-or-treat. This was our first year to trunk-or-treat and I'm already a huge fan! I love how little time it takes to get a lot of candy at these things.

After trunk or treating we went to the Kocherhans' and Grandma took Jesse trick or treating all around her neighborhood. It was funny because I had so many people compliment me on what an adorable little girl I had. In my attempts to make my little caveman's hair crazy, he ended up looking like a little girl with bouffant hair. It really didn't bother me though, I happen to think he's a beautiful boy.

Here's the pumpkin that Dave designed and carved. I think it turned out awesome. Way Spooky!

Jesse and his friend Zachary at the trunk-or-treat.

Here's our hodgepodge trunk. But do what you can.

Me at our trunk with our little cavemen.
The thing that made our trunk cool is that we had a little beanbag toss game the kids played for candy. You can see it off to the side.

Happy Halloween!


kelsey said...

Jesse's caveman hair is amazing!!! I love it. He is getting so big. I can't believe we haven't even met Benson yet!

P.S. I love your family picture/header.

Amy Baker said...

I loved reading all of you updates. Now you need to update some more! You are the cutest little mom Rachel.

Robby said...

Ummm....I still have no idea what your family's theme costume is...sorry. :) I'm sure it's hilarious and/or creative though! I'm still blown away at how much your kids are like a perfect 50/50 blend of both you and Dave. Pretty cool. Life is complicated with two kids I'm sure but we'd love to hook up sometime and hang out/play. It's been a LONG time!