Sunday, May 30, 2010

Benson's a Crawling Boy!

It took little Bence a long time to even work up the desire to crawl but 6 days after he turned 9 months Benson finally decided to attempt this crawling thing. It made us laugh because he would hop his little legs along. I got a few good hops in this video.

Almost a month later, Bence is getting around crawling just fine. He actually loves to cruise and go fast. His whole motivation for crawling is mostly to crawl to something he can pull himself up on. However, this pulling himself up thing mixed with not being very stable yet has resulted in lots of bruises for this little guy. I don't remember Jesse bonking us much as Benson has in the few short weeks that he's been crawling. I guess we're going to have to go without tables and chairs or something.

This video shows off one of Bence's really nasty bruises. He pulled a stool down on him the night before resulting in a big bruise and goose egg. My poor little guy!! Also, it's been so fun to watch Jesse and Bence interact now that he's crawling. This is one game that Jesse came up with impromptu the other day that they both love!


Grossarths said...

I have loved it ever since Kaitlyn started crawling because she and Jackson have so much fun together. But then Jackson also thinks he can just tackle her like she is his dad or something! She'll be a tough girl.

Mrs. T said...

SUPER cute!! :)